

From time-to-time, Events are scheduled with Jeannine so larger groups can gather and get a “personalized” quick assessment as a participant in the larger group.

Typically those attending will pay a nominal fee of $20.00 and recieve about 5 minutes time being downsed.  Remember to ask about you most key questions!  The could involve immediate health issues, romance solutions, relationship insights, prosperity concerns, and so much more.


If you would like Jeannine to visit your group, or if you’d like to organize an Energy Dowsing Gathering — in your home, office, or workshop location, do feel free to discuss your ideas with her.

Jeannine D. Taicher


info  -@-

(Take out spaces and hyphens)

Located in San Pedro, California (near the border with Palos Verde)

As a gift, organizers with 10 or more participants, will recieve a full, private, energy dowsing session, as a “thank you!”