What is Energy Dowsing?


DowsingSwirlsPersonalized Energy Dowsing, as practiced by Jeannine Taicher, is both an art and a science that helps highlight energy flow and locate blockages in one’s body that either help, or hinder, both healing and well-being.  Using a specialized single-pointed dowsing rod (as opposed to a basic pendulum or other tools) that allows more flexibility in reading complex energy patterns, a master dowser is able to pinpoint specifically what may be going wrong energetically, and identify what corrections are needed for optimum health and well-being.

By reading the way energy manifests and moves, beyond simple negative and positive recognition, a skilled artisan is able to detect the patterns of resonance or dissonance. Vibrational chaos often results in disease and illness, whereas a frequency of aliveness is an indicator of life’s choices well-made.


“If you wish to find the secrets of the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.”  

– Nikola Tesla

For centuries, intuitive and sensitive individuals have been able to dowse for various elements including water, minerals, gold, and biological processes. Dowsing success has been recorded since the time of Moses. The story of Aaron producing water from the rock (Exodus Chapter 17, Verse 6) is often quoted as the first written evidence. Even if we dismiss the Biblical claim, dowsers appear engraved on ancient Egyptian stonework and on the statue of a Chinese emperor dating circa 2200 BC. Little else of dowsing is recorded until Agricola, in 1556, wrote De Re Metallica, a composition on mining, which included an illustration of a German dowser at work. During the following decades a number of respected people, including the physicist, Albert Einstein, performed impressive feats with a variety of dowsing devices.

Going beyond that ancient art and pointing to a future of alternative healing, Jeannine reads the energy of the body the way a great artist plays a piano.  EnergyFlow