

Jeannine D. Taicher – an amazing Personalized Energy Dowsing Consultant  – has been a hands-on energy healer, massage therapist, and manifestation coach for over 25-years.  She uses various modalities to uncover the energy patterns of your personal truth, by truly decoding the secrets within you.  Always fascinated with the research and study of Ontology – the study of being or existence and conceptions of reality that are fundamental to many branches of philosophy – she made it her life’s purpose to be a vibrational energy detective, both identifying and decoding the healing principals of subtle energies.

She has integrated her knowledge to this study of coherent energy fields, and taken that beyond where most researchers dare to go.

Jeannine D. Taicher
Personalized Energy Dowsing Consultations
Hands-On Healing Sessions
Manifestation Coaching

Jeannine says, I translate energy patterns and help to answer questions regarding the makeup of geological and biological elements. I then restructure the patterns in humans, and transfer those patterns to help create healing and transformation of the mind, emotions, physical bodies, and activities through clarifying issues and understanding the causes of blocks in the energy system.  I identify an unknown energy pattern, held in a person’s energy field, so that each individual can be aware of what needs to be changed in their thinking and feeling.  Basically, I help individuals better recognize their creative center then, with clarity, they can focus on manifesting their dreams and desires.”

Born in Europe (specifically in Brussels, Belgium), and while at University she studied art and science, psychology and the humanities. She more-or-less speaks five languages: French, English, Spanish, Flemish (Dutch), although she admits her German is a tad rusty. She has traveled extensively and lived in several countries including: Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, the United States and has made her home in California for the past 35 years.

Jeannine has also earned a certificate indicating mastery of working with energy fields, from the school of Universal Energy Fields, located in Brussels.

Member, American Society of Dowsers (dowsers.org)

Private Consultations are offered multiple ways… in-person… over-the-phone… via Skype… or using a mailed or e-mailed photograph. 

To discuss your needs, please contact…

Jeannine D. Taicher

Personalized Energy Dowsing Consultations

Hands-On Healing Sessions

Manifestation Coaching


info  -@-  decodingthesecretwithin.com  (Take out spaces and hyphens)

Located in San Pedro, California (near the border with Palos Verde)
